
Now recruiting: Lab Technician or Lab Specialist

New in April 2024! We are recruiting a new group member to help conduct experiments and keep the lab running smoothly! This entry-level or mid-level position is a great fit for new or recent graduates who wish to gain full-time lab experience before applying to medical school or graduate school, as well as others who simply wish to stay in the lab in a technical role.   

The successful candidate will have the opportunity to learn new skills while contributing to multiple grant-funded projects, including development of analysis methods for cells in living tissues, and building of artificial lymph node tissues from human cells. Topics of the projects include bioanalytical chemistry, immunology, tissue engineering, and /or microfluidics. We anticipate training the right candidate in most of these areas; prior experience in all or even most of them is not expected. Undergraduate coursework in chemistry and biology, particularly biochemistry, is suitable preparation for the Technician position. Two levels are available depending on the candidate’s prior education and research experience. Come join our team!  Find more info about the position and apply here: https://jobs.virginia.edu/us/en/job/R0059893/Lab-Research-Technician-or-Lab-Specialist-in-Bioanalytical-Chemistry-and-Immunology.  Reach out with any questions.

Now recruiting: Applicants for Rising Scholars Postdoctoral Fellowship program,

NIH Career Re-entry programs, or NIH Diversity Fellowship programs

NIH Programs to broaden participation: The NIH provides mechanisms to support scholars from underrepresented or disadvantaged backgrounds on already-funded project-based research grants. For this funding mechanism, there must be alignment between the scholar’s career interests and the science that they would work on as part of the NIH-funded project in our lab. We would be happy to host a scholar in this manner and support your career development! If you are eligible based on NIH criteria and are interested in joining our lab for a postdoctoral fellowship, please contact Prof. Pompano to learn more about potential projects.

NIH Programs to support career re-entry and reintegration: A similar program exists to support postdoctoral fellowships for scholars to re-enter their scientific career after a period of at least 6 months of interruption in their careers for family responsibilities or other qualifying circumstances. As above, for this funding mechanism, there must be alignment between the scholar’s career interests and the science that they would work on as part of the NIH-funded project in our lab. If you are interested in learning more about this program and how to apply for such a position in our laboratory, please reach out!

UVA Rising Scholars: We would love to sponsor an applicant for the UVA College Rising Scholars Postdoctoral Fellowship program in Chemistry. Applications for the fall 2023 cohort have closed, but we anticipate the program will run again with applications likely accepted November 2023-January 2024, for positions starting in 2024. Feel free to reach out now if you are interested in applying for 2024! The Rising Scholars Fellowship is a two-year, fully funded fellowship intended to support postdocs on their way to becoming tenure-track faculty at UVA or elsewhere and who are committed to helping diversify the sciences. It is possible to stay an additional year beyond the two-year term (if desired) to complete your research or finish your job search. Program eligibility for 2023 cohort was as follows (expected to be similar next year, just advanced a year): Applicants must have received their terminal degree (PhD) between August 24, 2020 - August 24, 2023. Applications are especially encouraged from scholars who self-identify as part of a group that is under-represented in Chemistry, including but not limited to Native American, Indigenous, African American, Hispanic/Latinx, first-generation, queer, neurodiverse, and differently abled scholars. There is no citizenship requirement. If you are interested in applying for the Rising Scholars fellowship, please contact Prof. Pompano to discuss!


We post open, funded postdoctoral positions on this page and on UVA Jobs (aggregated in sites such as Indeed). If you are interested in a position and don’t see one posted, feel free to reach out by email to find out if one might become available based on funding. In such situations, it is useful to explain what draws your interest (e.g. why do you want to work in our lab, on these topics?), how it relates to your prior research, and your career goals; include your CV. If you are interested in writing a postdoctoral fellowship application with us, reach out!

Interested in joining as a graduate student?

The Pompano lab accepts PhD students each academic year, usually 1 - 3 students per year. Many of our students apply through the Department of Chemistry. We also accept students who apply through the Department of Biomedical Engineering and the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program. Scroll down for more info the the training environment in the laboratory and expectations.

Interested in joining as an undergraduate researcher?

We love having undergraduate researchers on the team! However, we cannot always accommodate all requests due to limited capacity. We typically accept 1st, 2nd, or 3rd year students, and ask for at least a 2-year commitment, so that you have enough time to contribute independently to your project. Staying for full-time, paid summer research is encouraged for students who have spent at least one semester in the lab, and we will coach you on how to write fellowship applications to fund the experience. Several former students have earned authorship on papers and major UVA and external research awards. Most go on graduate school or health-related schools (medical, dental). If you are interested in joining as an undergraduate researcher, send an short email to Prof. Pompano at pompanogroup@virginia.edu, explaining what draws your interest (e.g. why do you want to work on these topics?), why you want to do undergrad research, what year and major you are in, and how much time and how many years you hope to commit. It is useful to include your CV/resume and unofficial transcript when making contact. If you don’t hear back right away, consider following up a week later as sometimes emails slip through the cracks.


Training Environment

We provide an excellent training environment and a well-funded laboratory. After initial training and orientation, you will take on an increasing level of independence and leadership on your project, as well as be a collaborative team member in the group, help maintain a high-energy and collegial lab culture, lead collaborations with other labs as appropriate for the project, maintain detailed scientific records of your work, and help keep laboratory safety regulations. More senior graduate students and postdocs provide leadership within the lab and have opportunities to assist in the training of graduate and undergraduate students. You will have the opportunity to write exciting scientific papers and grant proposals and to present at national and/or international conferences.

Incoming graduate students are not expected to be familiar already with the specific techniques or concepts used in the lab, though a strong foundation in just one of our fields is essential (e.g. chemistry, bioengineering, or cell biology/immunology). Because our lab is interdisciplinary, critical behaviors for success include eagerness and ability to learn new concepts, techniques, and skills, and to clearly communicate about your ideas verbally and in writing.

Excited? Email Prof. Pompano at pompanogroup@virginia.edu for more information.